As baptism is a celebration, sign and sacrament of the Grace and Love of congregation, so when planning for this special day, please be sure to include time immediately following the service to join the rest of the congregation at fellowship time in the church hall. All your special guests are most welcome!
What is Baptism?The Sacrament of Baptism proclaims and celebrates the grace of God. Through the visible sign of the water and the invisible presence of God’s Spirit we are called and claimed and commissioned; we are called God’s own and given our identity as children of God. We are claimed by Christ, united with Christ, united with each other, and with the Christian community in every time and place. We are commissioned to Christ’s ministry of love and peace and justice, strengthened by the Holy Spirit for the work of Christ’s church in the world.
Why do we baptize our Children?Since children cannot understand what is being done, their parents and the church act on their behalf. The parents promise to bring their children up in the Christian faith. We, the church, promise to help and support them. It is our hope and prayer that when they are old enough to understand, they will speak for themselves, and choose to re-affirm their faith and their identity as Christ’s people.
Why do we seek baptism as adults?Baptism is one of the two sacraments that we celebrate in the United Church of Canada. Baptism is the sacrament of entry into the Christian community. This makes Baptism a crucial moment in life. It is an occasion for the affirmation of faith in God through Jesus Christ and for the public declaration of a commitment to follow Jesus throughout all of life. It is offered to all who wish to make this affirmation and commitment.
As a baptized and baptizing church, we commit ourselves to support and uphold the newly baptised within a community which worships God, loves and serves others, seeks justice and resists evil.
We commit ourselves, with God’s help.
Here at St. Andrew’s United Church we usually offer baptisms on the 2nd Sunday of each month during our regular service hours of 10:00 a.m. Parents or guardians seeking a child’s baptism are invited to take part in an information and preparation meeting with the minister.
Contact our office
[email protected]
to arrange to meet with the minister and make preparations for your or your child’s baptism.
St. Andrew’s United Church is pleased to celebrate marriages for all couples with a wedding ceremony that recognizes the importance of the Christian faith and spirituality in life. We believe that God's love is unconditional for all and that committed love can grow between couples of all gender combinations, and with varied past relationships.
Inclusivity -
We welcome previously divorced people, common law couples, couples with children, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people, to celebrate their marriages at St. Andrew’s.
Planning the Wedding Service -
Couples will meet with St. Andrew’s Minister in the months prior to the wedding to discuss the details of their wedding service. You will also have an opportunity to meet the pianist and discuss music choices for the service. The couple is encouraged to take an active role in deciding on the aspects of their wedding service. For most weddings a rehearsal involving all those in the wedding party will be held on the day prior to the service.
Marriage Preparation -
We strongly encourage all couples to actively and intentionally prepare for their married life by taking part in a marriage preparation program. Information on a variety of these events will be made available to you when you book your wedding.
Fees -
There is a nominal fee for the wedding service which covers the use of the church, the minister and the pianist A deposit is payable when the wedding is booked to hold the date and time for your wedding; the balance is due two weeks prior to the wedding date.
Each couple must provide a valid Province of Alberta Marriage License, which is available at any Alberta Registry Office, and can be obtained any time within the three months prior to the wedding date
Contact our office
[email protected]
if you have any questions, or to book your wedding service.